Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 45, 46: 家 Home

Talk "home" with wise man....^^ :

无论何时何地家永远是向游子敞开大门的地方(美国诗人 罗伯特.F.)

作为一个现代的父母,我很清楚重要的不是你给了孩子们多少物质的东西,而是你倾注在他们身上的关心和爱。关心的态度不仅能帮你省下一笔可观的钱,而且甚至能使你感到一份欣慰,因为你花钱不多并且给予了胜过礼物的关怀。(美国作家 诺埃尔.O.)

金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。(美国剧作家、演员佩恩. J. H.)

勇敢的人随遇而安,所到之处都是故乡。(英国剧作家 菲利普.M.)

明智者四海为家--地球是他的壁炉,蓝天是他的客厅。(美国思想家 爱默生.R.W.)

幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。(英国哲学家 培根.F.)

让孩子感到家庭是世界上最幸福的地方,这是以往有涵养的大人明智的做法。这种美妙的家庭情感,在我看来,和大人赠给孩子们的那些最精致的礼物一样珍贵。(美国文学之父 华盛顿. I.)

家庭是大自然创造的杰作之一。(美国哲学家、诗人 桑塔亚那.G.)

每个人的家对他自己都像是城堡和要塞。(英国法学家 科克.E.)


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 41, 42,43,44: Lazy Babe!

I was mad in playing Maple these days. I just crazy in Magatia Party Quest and failed to concentrated in my study. However, I hadn't leveled up as I hard to find a party that would like to accept me as my level consider low. Besides, Totora also dead for many times in the pq. I thought was about 4 to 5 times. If not, Totora would have leveled up.

My mum reminded me about my study yesterday. I knew I was wrong for keep playing Maple without studying. But I do have read book. A chinese kungfu novel (420 pages) written by JinYong, very nice! So I decided to give more concentration in my study from today. I finished my novel today and also started reading "Basics Engineering Thermodynamic". Some of the comtent is a bit hard for me to understand. But I just try my best to use my own understanding to teach myself.

My friend, Sexy came back from Miri last Saturday or Friday. He asked me to go out to have a cup of tea and chatted but we still haven't confirmed the date. I wanted to ask him about his study as he is taking engineering course also, but is a foundation course. I think it still can help.

It is only about a month and I need to further my study. I had to use wisely to make myself feel good when I started my engineering course in the university.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 40: Going Around^^

My dad will be going to KL and we decided to make something for my sister and brother to eat. So we need to buy something for making the popia, biscuits, and carrot cake. Besides, my younger sister also wanted to print some of her photos for her moral project, so I also prepared some photos to be printed out, they were my graduation photos. It was about 4.40pm, a very traffic jam time and we needed to go out before the photo shop closed. But my mum was preparing dinner while my father was going to play badminton with his friends. So I was the only driver available. That meant that I had to drive the car with my sister sitting beside me. I was a bit scared as I had knocked our car and made a serious damage on it last time. So afetr that, whenever I drove, my mum will be sitting beside me, but not this time. Before going, I prayed a lot.

I drove our car Pajero, to the photo shop, and needed to find a parking place. Fortunately, I found it imediately when I turned into the road. It was a "L" parking, which was my worst parking skill. Thanks God that I parked it very very well with one attempt only. That was my 1st and most perfect "L" parking. Hahahaha! I was proud of it.

We went to print the photo and suddenly my sister realised that she had left her pendrive at home! So after I told the shop keeper about what I wanted to print, we needed to go back home to get my sister's pendrive. Luckily the shop closed at 7.00pm.

After we took the pendrive, we went to supermarket to buy something which we needed for our recipes. But I coudn't find one thing that I needed. However we went back to the photo shop and print my sister's photos. We walked to Centre Point to find the ingrediant we needed while waiting for them to print the photos. I was shocked as the thing we needed also not found in Centre Point. We walked back to take the photos and drove home. My mum was a bit worry as we had went out for a long time. She did call me but I didn't heard it, when I realised it, I wanted to call back but couldn't.

It's a long story, cutting all short, I can't call my mum and dad cellphone but can call others. Weird. Maybe gonna have a check.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 39: Spiderman? What a school !

You know what!? Spidermen do exist! But they are not using spiderweb, using fingers. Cool! They are at China. A race called Miao Zhu, 苗族. It is a great climbing skill where most of the force using is their fingers. It is a 绝技, 传内不传外. There are now 4 of them who have is great in this skill. 3 are male and 1 female. Actually it is forbidden for female but why there is one female have the skill? This is because she is the daughter of the most pro 师傅, 第六代spiderman. Actually he don't want to teach his daughter but I forget it is what reason he teached her.

Today I watched WaTV, Astro 315. Actually i watch it everyday. The program is called 人间. I saw a school which is use violent to control the student but without letting tany other people know, including the students' parents. Student are not allowed to contact with their parents expect for writing mail, but all the mail must be checked by the 教官. It is a miliatary school, like a earth Hell. All the students are crying for help in their heart and some even try to commit suicide. The school called "重庆大东方行走学校". You can go to the webside and have a looked. A boy called 小毅 was being treated the worst and he tried to jump to die. Then only the secret of the school been exposed.

Here is some news:


补充 - 2007-06-22 20:03:25
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补充 - 2007-06-22 20:06:03
京华时报6月6日报道 看见穿迷彩服的人就下意识地捂眼睛,这是北京男孩小弈(化名)现在的心理障碍。
5月16日从重庆回北京后,他的心理障碍慢慢显现出来。 这种心理障碍产生于重庆大东方行走学校。行走学校专收难管教的孩子,让他们“重归正道”。“惩戒”是这类行走学校的特殊教育手段。不过,大东方行走学校的惩戒方式有些特殊———在校的近两个月时间里,小弈频遭教官殴打,他的一些同学也受到“同等待遇”。打人的教官都穿迷彩服。 小弈在行走学校被打的事情一直不被父母所知,直到4月27日他内服高锰酸钾后从二楼坠下。
男孩吞药后坠楼 4月27日上午10点左右,北京亚运村附近,冯秋菊接到电话后心急如焚:在重庆的14 岁儿子小弈服用了高锰酸钾(外用药,内服会烧伤食道),正在医院抢救。 冯秋菊还获知,小弈还从二楼摔下。她立即动身飞往重庆。 在重庆市渝北区两路镇鹿山村,有一座大东方行走学校。
今年3月1日,小弈被送到这里。冯秋菊希望难管教的儿子在这里能变得听话。 在冯秋菊得到坏消息的2个多小时之前,在千里外的重庆,行走学校综合楼二楼207宿舍内,小弈向室友小波(化名)索要他用于治疮的高锰酸钾,遭到拒绝。 小波从卫生间洗漱完后,却看见小弈正往他柜子里放东西,而高锰酸钾少了5颗。 突然,小弈冲到厕所口吐紫色液体。之后,他又在宿舍内吐了带血色的液体。一名室友赶紧扶小弈到一楼找大夫。 从207宿舍到楼梯口,小波看见小弈的腿软了,走路跌跌撞撞,还撞到走廊的墙一次。 快到楼梯口的时候,小弈说口渴,要室友给他倒水,室友离开后,小弈趴在约1米高的栏杆上。 没等室友回来,小弈已跌落在一楼大厅。随后,小弈被紧急送到医院抢救。 当天下午4点多,冯秋菊从北京赶到重庆西南医院。见到小弈上唇和下颌缝针共七八厘米,脸上血迹斑斑,右手骨折,这位40多岁的母亲十分难过。 令她生疑的是,小弈右臂上还有一道约10厘米长的伤痕,已结痂,显然不是坠楼引起的。冯秋菊还发现,小弈的双肩、胸部、腿部都有旧伤。 小弈告诉她,他在学校被教官打,打得很厉害,但他无法传出消息,只好吞药跳楼住进医院引起注意。 不过,在行走学校校长陈华看来,小弈吃下高锰酸钾属于误服。此前一天晚上,腰疼的小弈和一名胃疼的室友已吃下一片高锰酸钾,小弈说吃了可以止疼,第二天早上起来没事。小弈就又吃了4颗。 陈华说,小弈是跳楼还是坠落,目前警方没有明确说法。 入校当天即遭打 冯秋菊在4月27日晚向重庆公安报警。 当晚,警方对小弈进行了简单询问。冯秋菊这才慢慢知道,小弈在学校被教官多次殴打,第一次被打就在入学的当天。 小弈回忆,当天刚见面,教官问他是否很调皮,他反问:“你这么大的时候不调皮吗?”教官不由分说就打他的头部、上身,打了约10分钟。 教官打完以后,又让宿舍的一位室友打他约10分钟。事后这名室友对小弈说,如果他当时不按教官的意思办,他就会遭到教官殴打。 “小弈被打的时候,他爸爸可能还没办完入学手续。”冯秋菊说。听到小弈在大东方行走学校的遭遇,冯秋菊一度昏过去。 4月28日上午,冯秋菊接到同在行走学校培训的北京男孩小雨(化名)父亲的电话。小雨父亲说,赶紧去接孩子,学校教官打人,他已把小雨接出来了,小弈让小雨带了求助的条子出来。 冯秋菊告诉小雨父亲,小弈已出事了。 小雨的父亲告诉冯秋菊,一位好心的心理教师借给了小雨手机,让他打电话给家里。 据冯秋菊等回忆,早在3月底的时候,曾有一位心理教师打电话向家长暗示学生被打,但未引起家长们重视。 那位心理教师说,在一次课上她让学生写出自己近期的愿望。60多个纸条收上来后,她发现很多纸条都在说自己在学校被打的事情,并留下了家长的电话,希望能通过老师求助。这位老师还亲眼看到一名学生背上留下了横七竖八的伤痕。 接到心理教师电话的冯秋菊等家长,将信将疑,他们怀疑是孩子吃不了苦而策划的苦肉计。第二天家长们打电话给学校,校方说孩子们都很好,他们也就相信了。 惩戒方式残忍多样 直到小弈出事、小雨被接回,家长们才发现,学校不仅存在殴打学生的事,而且一些教官的惩戒手法十分残忍。 据小弈、小月(化名,另一名曾在行走学校的北京男生)、小雨等学生讲述,他们的教官经常用来对付学生的工具有皮带、电线、竹戒尺等。 小弈说,一次他不服管教骂了一名陈姓教官,然后有几名教官踢他、用皮带抽他,他的肩、胸、臂都有部位被打破,然后教官往他伤口上撒盐。 小雨印象最深的惩罚发生在站军姿时。当时他有点偷懒,教官在背后推了一拳,他没站住。教官说推你一下你还躲,于是用力踹了他一脚。小雨说他当时就觉得。

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 38: Weird

There is something wrong in the date for "Day 35 36 37", i wrote it at 21/4/2009 in the morning but it displayed as 20/4/2009.

Today I sent the two pieces of photos to sister Ding Jie through e-mail. I attached the two photos and write a short message : 丁姐姐, 我是惠馨. 这是我们的相片! 哈哈! and the title was : 沙巴椰子水相片^^. I sent it in the morning. After that I went to renew my IC and had lunch with my parents. When I reached home, I checked my mail and saw that Ding jiejie had sent me an e-mail. She wrote :


祝 万事如意!

丁洁 Ms. Ingrid Ding
复旦大学 外国留学生工作处

Haha! I loved her e-mail.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 35 36 & 37

I am so lazy to write. Today I'm going to KKbox with some of my friends. I'm not really wanna to go but just to meet my friends as they are going to further their studies. I like to go karaoke with my family members more more more. I will want to sing these songs today. Sad songs harr? But the melody is so nice. My sister has a physics test today and brother has physics and math exam, hope they can do it well. I'll pray for them as well.


你终于做了决定 从此走出我世界
所谓的新开始 结束了我这段挣扎
我忍不住流眼泪 咬着牙装作一切无所谓

爱得好难 你是真的走了吗
爱得好重 其实我也不想走
爱得好浓 我们如何走完这段路

爱你真的好难好难 (和音)爱你真的好难好难
爱情不该就是两颗相爱的心 (和音)爱情不该就是两颗相爱的心
只要我们真心的紧紧靠在一起 (和音)只要我们真心的紧紧
爱你爱得好难好难 (和音)爱你爱得好难好难
我是真的明白你对爱的执着 (和音)爱你
我真的不能看你为我受了伤 (和音)看你为我受了伤
不忍心 你再为我 受尽了苦


笑声塞进梦里面 回忆搬到最旁边
收拾好爱情呼啸而过的昨天 心恢复空洞整洁

一切干净到极点 你来你变你不见
现在只剩顽强的思念 还没有被解决
那大可不用美丽到让我 以为这次心动会有什么

也许还是重返寂寞 毕竟也只有寂寞肯永远爱我
也许还是拥抱孤独 从来也只有孤独肯陪我痛哭
从今后 就选择沉默
选择服从岁月 如梭

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 33 & 34: China China China !!!

猜猜发生了什么事? 哈哈! 我亲爱的中国! 相片里有谁呢? 白色衣服的(左上)就是我! 我左手边的是学校升学辅导部的秘书Susan(上中). 其余三位是中国上海复旦大学来的, 在右上的是复旦大学招生部的丁小姐(名字是丁洁吧!), 在下方的一位是复旦大学医学院的院长, 另一位是人文的博士吧! 我不是很清楚.
昨天早上, 我和四位同学就是与这三位由复旦大学派来的女士面试. 我是第一位面试的. 后是文俊, 文辉和赵赵. 我的面试算顺利吧! 我也不太清楚. 但有一点问题的是, 我的华文和英文这两个科目在高中统考中不是太理想. 都拿B4. 真是悲哀. 所以她们决定让我先考复旦大学的华文和英文的入学考试. 当天下午十二点半就开始考. 四个人当中只有我一个考! 一共两份考卷. 一份各两小时. 里面的题目也太多了吧! 华文和英文两份考卷里各有理解四篇. 还要写华文作文. 我越做越不耐烦, 最后算是草草了事吧! 勉强做完它, 用了三小时多.
今天早上, 我和Susan帮学校带她们到各处走走. 校长把她们带来给我们招待. 那时她们在和校长, Susan谈着. 后来我走出来看到她们, 其中一位先看到我, 就是丁洁,卫生她向我遥遥手打招呼, 很是友善, 我也向她招了招手. 其他两为也看到我了, 就问我: "昨天的考试怎么样?" . 我说: "题目太多了!我用了三小时多来做. ".办她们却说已经很快了, 原来真正那些考卷是五小时的. 后来校长便向她们介绍起我来. 校长说我是学校的开心果(校长喜欢那么说我), 说什么我一说话, 班上的人都会笑(太夸张了吧!校长. 不过被校长那么说也很荣幸). 其中一位较年长的复旦大学代表就告诉校长她也知道我是一位好班长哦!
之后我们就一起到非律宾铛走走. 我们整个时间都花在那里了. 她们逛得很高兴, 我和Susan就忙着翻译和杀价钱. 忙死了. 之后我们在附近的铺子喝椰水. 一人一粒, 太大粒了, 喝得我们好涨好漲. 其中也有很好笑的事情. 尤其是丁洁的举动. 说来话长.
本来我门打算一起吃午餐的, 但是学校的财政主任来接班了. 只好道别. 丁洁姐姐叫我记得把相片发给她哦! 但她忘了带名片, 她说我只好跟校方拿了.
有点不舍得她们, 虽是博士什么的, 但也很和蔼. 再会了!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Learning 32

Argh! So scary! I had a nightmare last night. It was about the end of the world. I dreamed this dream as I was having a chat with my mum and Qiqi about the end of the world yesterday morning and the day before yesterday. The dream was like this.........
Our school was some where near the beach and it was a beautiful bay. I didn't know what day was that however the school seemed like having a celebration. Some of the students were in the hall beside the sea while some were at the beach. I was at the beach with my classmates. We were playing happily and suddenly one of my friends took up a spade and threw it toward the beach where most of my classmates were there. I was shocked as if the spade hit someone, the person would certainly die. A friend of mine was in a panic and ran around to escape from the droppng spade but she ran to the wrong direction where the spade was about to fall. Luckily the spade hit the sand before she reached the spot.
Then we heard the "ta ta ta ta ta" sound from some where near the hall. It sounded like a gun shooting or something similar to M16. I was scared and pulled my friend to hide under a place. The sound lasted for a while and then it stopped. After a while, there was a large group of student running toward us from the hall, I thought there was some disasters happened so I ran together with all of them. We all escape to a long train with many rooms. I was in the last room with some of my friends. Then I started to be nervous as I wanted to make sure whether my family was safe. I ran from room to room as I hoped to find my sister and brother who were studied with me in the same school. I was grad that I found them and we stayed at the room which was in the front. We made a call to my mum and knew that they were safe.
Suddenly I realised I had leave something important at the last room. My sister accompanied me back to that room. We moved from room to room and realised the people were decreasing. About the last few rooms, there were already empty and the door were closed. There was mist everywhere, just like some poison gases which killed them. We ran back to the front room and meet with brother and some of his friends, waiting for someone to rescue us. And suddenly, I was awaked. Thanks god that it was just a dream.
I wished we won't meet the end of the world in our whole life as it was to scary for us. We will lost contact with our family members and all the world will be in a mest. But the thing that I really hoped is all of our family member are not left behind.
I worked up with my timetaable already. Hope it will help.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Learning 31

Eeeee! so can't play maple till now! Bit boring. This is a picture for Elhx3, FaithMarker, KeAiMeiReNAi and SinOfPast, there is only one picture of Totora inside. Elhx3 is my other character, a rogue.
Today I woke up at nine in the morning. A bit late. I read an essay and cooked lunch. Oh! My cooking skill is not so bad. I thought it was very delicious. Nice harr. Then only I tried to play Maple but can't. So sad. sob sob sob.......
So I could only play msn. I seldom played msn but I online all the day today. I accompanied my mum to buy something and called Zhao Zhao to ask her to help me to contact Melanie. Melanie got a call from Sin Chew and she had her interview yesterday. I wanted to know what they asked her but I couldn't call her. I try her house telephone, and also her handphone, still couldn't. Zhao Zhao said they asked nothing special. Just some common questions.
My mum reminded me about the books that I wished to read today. There are 12 books in that series but I only have the first 3 books. I didn't buy it as one books cost about RM40++. So sad. I asked my friend Qiqi to find whether the library at Agape or Basal have. He found and made a conclusion that Agape library didn't have the books. Sob sob!
Now is already 7.00 pm. Maple still can't play.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Learning 30

Last Sunday I got a phone call from XXX, he asked me some questions that I could hardly answer. Made me headache. I tried to help him but I still couldn't help totally. So I gave him a suggestion, I told him to ask Mr. Ooi, who is our school "tertialy educational master", I don't know how to say his job, but is something like that.

As a result, I told him that I would meet him at library today and brought him to meet the teacher. I reached school about 10.24am, teacher said that he was very busy today, He would be free only after 3.30pm. So I went to the library to tell XXX. Then we stayed there for some times. He read his book and I found some knitting book to refer. About 11am, I went back to Mr. Ooi there, he said he was free for now, so I went to call XXX. Then they had a chat for almost 50minutes but I didn't join them, as their chatting was a bit sensitive. I stayed outside and my book.

Mrs. Susan asked me to accompany her to shopping this saturday. I felt a bit fishy. Why we go shopping? Then only I know that we wee to accompaany 3 ladies from China Fudan to have a walk at KK. A good chance to chat with China people. Yeah!

Afternoon, at about 1.20pm, my best friend QiQi called me and asked me where was my home. It was so weird but I just told him. Actually he would be having a meeting at 2.30 pm, so before going to meeting, he came to see me as we hadn't talk for so so long time. Then he asked me to go to the meeting together. Ya! I went with him. It was a meeting about Youth Volunteer Camp. The meeting was so long. Then we went to have a drink together at YoYo. After that, he sent me home. I thought the meeting was nice. The camp was very meaningful too. nice one. Hope to go for it!

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Learning 29

Chun Lai won the champion yesterday! Ahhh! What a nice match! It was the "Asia Cup!" at Korea and he was competing with Chen Lo. He lost the 1st match and won the following 2 matches. The marks were 16-21, 21-10, 21-16. JiaYou! ChunLai! Happy Happy Happy!
Aiya! We sent the car which I damaged to repair le. Feel very sad as I broke it. Need to be careful every time when driving.
I haven't received the call from Sin Chew Jit Po. Haiz... One of my friend received already. I hoped I can get it too.
Haizzz.... very very sad as many questions that my sister asked me I can't manage to answer it. She is 3 years old younger than me but when she faced problem doing her homework, I can only help a bit. I think I need to upgrade myself. Too lousy as I don't study for months.
Must have some plan to make me greater. I think I gonna write a daily study plan. These days I am not in the mood!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Learning 25,26,27,28

I missed writing for some days as I went back to my dad's hometown to clean the grave of grandpa. We went by car, with my dad driving, I sat beside, and my cousin and her friend sat at the back. It was very hot, even though I was in the car with the aircond, the sun still made me feel hot. We started our journey at 9:50 in the morning and arrived at 3+ in the afternoon. Quite a long time as we went down to have our lunch, went to toilet and buy something(fish, food) on our way.

When we arrived at LimBang, we went to eat the ABC (hong dou bing) to cold ourselves. I thought it was quite nice. Before going to grandma's house, dad bought 2 tins of jacob biscuit and 15 Baos (Cha Shao Bao and vegetable bao) for grandma. Then we head to the kampung which wwe called "Hou shan"(back mountain). We chated there for a very long time. Grandma is still very healthy. Thanks God for that! It was also very hot at there, so my dad and I took a bath there which was not in our plan. Actually I decided to bath when I reached my GuGu's house as it was more comfortable, but the weather forced me to bath there.

Then we had our dinner there eating Laksa. Very delicious! I loved it very much. After that we when to GuGu's house to sleep.

The next day we woke up so early as we need to go to the Methodist Graveyard to clean grandpa's grave. After having breakfast woth GuGu (we ate KaLau Mian), we went to the graveyard. It was quite tough to clean as we didn't bring brushes. We needed to use the cloth with all our strenght in order to clean the dort on it. The graveyard was very tidy and beautiful^^

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Learning 24

Waiting for it..... I'm waithing for it.......waiting for you answer to my apply. Now I'm still waiting for the Sin Chew Jit Po scholarship to give me an answer. It almost time for me to reply to the university on whether I wanna to study there or not. So slow. By the way, I'm trying to change the course I chosed when I applied to my second choice. I applied for Chemical Engineering for my 1st choice and was accepted by the university, however after my thinking for few days or weeks, I think that I prefer my second choice, civil engineering. I had e-mailed the university today and hoped they can give me my second choice....
I went to the website and checked for the subjects that I needed to study if I chosed civil engineering. there are English for Engineering, Statics, Survey, Mathematics for Engineering, Computer Aided Design and Programming, Engineering Thermodynamics, Bahasa Malaysia(I'm not good at this zzzzz), Dynamics, Solid Mechanics, Pengajian Malaysia(is this sejarah????), Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Methods and Statistics, Structural Analysis, Hydrology, Pengajian Islam/ Pendidkan Moral (harr, I beg there are so many things for me to by heart like sejarah), Principle of Electrical Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Electrical Power and Machine, Environmental Science, Structural Steel Design and so on............. a lot. But I think I can do it. There's a problem as most of the people who chosed to study civil engineering are male, sob! I will have less friends, I think.
I had a self-accident yesterday. I was not concentrating when I drove. I almost dropped into a big big drain but luckily there is a 柱子 there, so I was safe. Thanks God! My mum and dad almost shocked when they saw the scene, as it was too too much dangerous. I broke the car....... I feel very very sorry for it. Haizzz....... a bit scare of driving. Must be careful the next and next and next and next and next and next and next.......................times! May be I shall get the real pictures of my car.....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Learning 23

I went to school this morning to check out more information about enviromental engineering. I first read the booklet of Fudan University. I looked for the career of enviromental engineering and life science. Most of the students who graduate for the bachelor degree of enviromental engineering and life science futher their studies, less of them went to work. I was thinking that whether it was hard to find a job which need profession likke these two subjects. So I was a bit worry. Then I started to look for civil engineering to make sure that whether Fudan University had this course. No, they didn't have. I was a bit disapointed.
Then I started to look for the booklet of DongHai and DongWu. Yes! I found it. I also realised that DongHai had the industry design course, so cool! Bith these universities had a beautiful compound, I loved it. After a while, the teacher had come back. I told him about the careers thing, he said that most of the students graduate from enviromental engineering further their studies because there were too much research for them to do, so they prefer to continue it. That's a relief for me! He said that enviromental engineering was one of the courses which had a wide range of careers. I could join the WWF(but it is a bit hard as many people want to join it), in water treatment, consultant field(which help the civil engineering company), something about recycle, forest protection, something doing with the sea, river, air, sound........... It is a good news for me! ^^
However I had another thing bothering me. It was the language used in teaching was Chinese but the book is mostly in English. I wished that I could improve my English if the teaching language was English. I also told teacher about this. He said that there were many ither chances for me to learn English. Having a part time in a 洋人 restaurant, joining the English service in church. Ya! That a good idea. Yesterday ny dad told me if I study at there, I can communicate in both languages. So it is better for me to have a job in China, Taiwan, England, Europe and many other countries, that's true!
Teacher told me he had one student who is so poor because their home income is affected after his father's death. So the student has to have a part time job for him to earn for his school fee. One day, his friend borrowed his handphone and lost it. He was very sad although his friend paid him the money. He went to talk to the teacher about it. Teacher told him that God has His own way. The student is also a christian, he suddenly remember what he had prayed for. He prayed to the God that he had no enough money to pay the next school fee. Haha! So this is how he get his school fee. He did miss something when he was praying, he forgot to pray that his belongings be safe. This make me remember my mum friend. He wanted to find a wife which can suit him so he pray for everything that he wished his wife will have, but he missed to pray for her to have a good outfit. So, his wife really matched all the thing he wished but she doesn't have a very pretty outfit. However they still married and lived a happy life. I told teacher about it and made the teacher laught for a long time! Haha!
I decided to level up my Totora today but because of the Guild Quest, I didn't train....sad..... But our guild point had reached 12oo. Great!
Jiayou in my tertiary education! And pray to God!

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Learning 22

Ahh! Again! I am so in a dilema for my choice to university. It's driving me crazy. Chemical engineering? Civil engineering? Enviromental engineering? Which one is a better choice? How about money? Where can I study by paying the less fee? How is my scholarship? Leave it to God bahh!

I went to the hospital today to help my father to take his medicine. My mum put me down and I went to get the number and waited for the pharmacy to call my number. I got a nice number, 2076, as there were only 3 number away. When I took the number, the counter was calling number 2073. I though I could take the medicine in a few minutes so I kept on standing there and waited. Then was 2074, two more before me! But I waited and waited and waited. No number was calling. Weird! I saw two more person going to the counter and got their medicine. It must be my turn! I went near the counter and had a look. The person in sharhe was taking a paper of number 2077 in her hand! It was impossible! Ihadn't get mine and how come she was doing thing for the 2077. After thinking for a while, I went to ASK her. She said maybe my medicine had not ready yet. Then she started to look for it. I saw there was a medicine which was as same as my dad one. So I told her that maybe that was mine. She went and had a look. Ya! That's mine! She gave it to me! Yay! If I didn't ask her, maybe I had to wait for much more longer. So this is the PoWer Of AsKing!

Asking is so so important! Just like last time when I did my 3rd job in Maple. I didn't know how to do and I started to ask. Then I manage to be a ranger! Yay! Power Of Asking.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Suspension Finding New Member 2

Suspension Finding New Member 1


The photo I take 1 second before I die.

My Learning 21

Last night I tried to do knitting, but I failed.......

Some christian only go to church for 3 times in their life time. That are 1.their mum bring them to baptist when they are baby 2. their partner want to have their wedding at the church 3. they are carried to the church for the RIP ceremony. Funny huh? But it is the saddest thing in the world. They are not even called a christian. They don't even understand what is the love from God.

You know John Wesley? He was the founder of Methodist Church. Someone asked him a question: "If you know that the day after tomorrow is the day that the world end, 世界末日, what would you like to do?". Wesley said: "I will continue to do the thing that what I must do." A clever and meaningful answer.

I am now in a dilema! My head feel pain about the university. UTAR had accepted me but I'm not sure to go or not as I don't know whether I get the scholarship from Sin Chew Jit Po or not. Abd I need to pay about RM5000++ before 22 April if I wanted to study there. However, I can't make my decision as I also applied for Singapore NUS, China University and another University at Taiwan, I still don't get any news from these Uni. My application in NUS is still proccessing, China University has an interview at 16April and the Taiwan school will only give out the result in June. Oh My!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Learning 19 & 20


I decided to go oversea to further my study, in a country where there is 4 seasons. And during the winter, I want to put on scarf which is made by myself. So I wanted to learn kniting in this few months. I found my friend Yu Mei as I wanted to ask her where she bought her kniting book as I know she have one. She said she buy at the Popular Book Store. I did see the book at there but it is too expensive. I rememberred the proce is RM30. So during thursday afternoon, I went to Book Fair at Asia City. I wanted to buy a kniting book, which I could learn kniting fron it. After searching for a while with my mother, we found it. There were just a few kniting books, I chosed one of it which I thought it would be useful for me. It cost me RM24, cheaper than that sold at Popular, RM6. Besides, I also bought another book which was written by JinYong, I hoped it can help me to improve my chinese writing skill.

I finally wrote my personal statement yesterday. After my mum corrected it, I thought it was good enough. The second thing to do now is to write a Study Plan. A bit harsh as I don't know what to write in it. I decided to ask Xuan Fu principle about it.
Oh! ne more thing to say. I received my UTAR result already. I was accepted and they offered me my 1st choice, Chemical engineering. I still needed to decide whether I will go there to study or not.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Learning 18

I helped my sister to look at his physics homework first so that I could teach her more efficiently. But I realised that some of the questions I couldn't solve it. Why? I asked myself. But I still not sure what was the true reason. I thought maybe the questions were wrongly setted or my teacher never teached me that. Erm... still not sure. I also had asked my friends to help me to solve it. they also couldn't. Luckily I still cou;d solve some.

I had received my recommented letter today. Uncle GongHao help me to write it. I had read it through once and I thought it was good enough. Ha! really thanks to him amd my mum wanted me to called him and said thankyou. Certainly I did it, but a bit shy. Haha! Because he is an man who is older than me a lot. (Not really so old, I thinks maybe he is older than me about 40 years? Not sure.....). He is a great man and he had been the committee (president) of the Taiwan 留学生会. I think that is powerful enough. I hope the University can accept me and give me the best scholaship.

Today, we talk about using money. I thought it was quite interesting. The teacher said that if we need to buy a thing such as computer, he suggested us to buy the latest one although it is expensive. this is because the computer can last for almost ten years, then only we buy another new one. his own laptop has used for about 9 years, but I think it looked quite good for now. Smart for him. My father also always told us to buy the latest. Now I know for what!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Learning 17

Today I asked my teacher whether it is easy to find job afetr graduate from the course Enviromental Engineering. He said that I need to think what I wanted to be and then only I decide what to study. And enviromental engineering studies are very very wide. We study each type of pollutions and also some laws etc. Ina construction, enviromental enginer is also needed, as to count how far will the dust be spread and the effect of sound pollution......... during the construction. But Malaysia seldom need this type of profession, mostly the western countries and China.

About debate, actually there is a wide knowledge. In your 1st competition, you must always stand to your points and add in much expression in your presentation. However in the semi-final competition, you need to have more eye contact with the judges. In final, you need to ask a lot of questions and lees expression, but your word must be powerful enough. Actually there are much nore skills but I can hardly remember. The reason of keep changing the skill in every time you debating is to prevent your skill being copied and being killed by others. 就是不要被对方抓到你的技巧.

Everything must have its own steps. Just like training to be a badminton player.Ones should not train high jump when he is younger than 14 years old. This is because he haven't really grown up yet and his muscle haven't strong enough to pratice it. However something can really change its steps......zzzzzzzzzzz @.@